Patricea Chow | The Yoga Agency SingaporeFeb 10, 2020 18:10:29

5 Yoga Poses for Absolute Beginners Pt 1

You've never done yoga before but you're ready to take the plunge. But as a complete yoga newbie, you're also not sure what to expect from a yoga class.

For absolute yoga beginners, familiarise yourself with these basic yoga poses before you hit the mat at the studio.


Yoga Child's Pose Balasana | The Yoga Agency Singapore

This is a seated yoga pose. It is used as a resting pose in between other poses. You will encounter it often in a Beginner Yoga class.

How to do Balasana Child's Pose

  • Begin by kneeling on your mat.
  • Bring your knees and big toes to touch.
  • Sit back on to your heels. Allow your body weight to sink into your sit bones, down into your heels, thus pressing the tops of your feet firmly into the mat.
  • Fold forward from your hips. Allow your hands to fall outstretched on the mat, or bring them alongside your legs.
  • Keep your sit bones pressing into your heels. If your hips rise off your heels, bring them back down and support your head with a block.
  • Exit by lifting your head and returning to sitting upright.


Yoga Adho Mukha Shvanasana Downward Facing Dog Pose | The Yoga Agency Singapore

A pose that looks like an inverted V, this pose is an inversion as it brings the head lower than the heart. It is usually included as part of a sequence of poses, especially in Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations.

How to do Adho Mukha Shvanasana Downward Facing Dog

There are many ways to get into this pose. Here is the simplest way for newbie yoga practitioners.

  • Stand at the front of your yoga mat. Have your toes and knees facing front.
  • Place your hands on the mat, on the outsides of your feet, by bending your knees.
  • Spread your fingers wide apart then grip the mat with the pads of your hands and fingertips.
  • Press your palms into the mat and feels table before stepping first one foot backwards, followed by the other. Come onto your toes with a microbend in your knees.
  • Lift your hips high and think of reaching your tail bone to the ceiling.
  • Activate your inner thighs (imagine that you have a resistance band around your thighs and you need to keep it taut) so that your toes and knees point to the front of the mat, and your heels point to the back.
  • Begin to push the mat towards the front with your palms and the mat towards the back with your feet.
  • Exit by walking your feet towards your palms, plant your feet firmly into the mat, then rise your torso up slowly with your head coming up last.


Yoga Virabhadrasana I Warrior Pose | The Yoga Agency Singapore

Named after the warrior Virabhadra, this pose stretches & strengthens the entire core, especially the hip flexors and psoas.

How to do Virabhadrasana Warrior I Pose

There are many ways to get into this pose. Here is one suggested method for newbie yoga practitioners.

  • Stand at the front of your yoga mat. Have your toes and knees facing front.
  • Place your hands on your hips for balance, and fix your gaze on a spot opposite you.
  • Ground down through the base of your feet and balance your body weight on your right leg.
  • As you breath out, take a big step back with your left foot. Angle your left foot so that your toes point out 45-degrees to the left. Place your heel down so that it is aligned with your right heel.
  • Bend your right knee so that it is stacked directly above your right ankle.
  • Press down through both your feet, including the outer edge of both feet.
  • Tuck your pelvis in so that your tail bone points down to the mat. Keep your torso facing forward.
  • As you breathe in, stretch your arms up so that your fingers reach up to the ceiling/sky.
  • To exit, bring your hands back to your hips, step your left foot forward next to your right foot, and return to standing at the top of your mat.
  • Repeat on the other side.


This is probably one of the most recognised yoga poses. It is also the one post that will invariably be included in most of the yoga classes, especially Vinyasa flow, Hatha flow, and Hatha yoga.

How to do Virabhadrasana Warrior II Pose

There are many ways to get into this pose. Here is one suggested method for newbie yoga practitioners.

  • Stand at the front of your yoga mat. Have your toes and knees facing front.
  • Place your hands on your hips for balance, and fix your gaze on a spot opposite you.
  • Ground down through the base of your feet and balance your body weight on your right leg.
  • As you breath out, take a big step back with your left foot. Angle your left foot so that your the outer edge of your foot is parallel to the back of the mat. Place your heel down so that it is aligned with your right heel.
  • Bend your right knee so that it is stacked directly above your right ankle.
  • Press down through both your feet, including the outer edge of both feet.
  • Tuck your pelvis in so that your tail bone points down to the mat. Keep your torso facing 45-degrees to the left.
  • As you breath in, raise your left arm back and to shoulder level while raising your right arm to the front at shoulder level. Stretch your arms in opposite directions—right fingertips forward, left fingertips back.
  • As you breath out, feel the base of your feet press firmly into your mat.
  • To exit, bring your hands back to your hips, step your left foot forward next to your right foot, and return to standing at the top of your mat.
  • Repeat on the other side.


Named after (you got it) trees, this pose requires concentration to stay balanced on your standing leg. It strengthens the legs as well as stretches the hip flexors.

How to do Vrikshasana Tree Pose

  • Stand at the front of your yoga mat. Have your toes and knees facing front. Keep your spine straight and the sides of your body extended.
  • Place your hands on your hips for balance, and fix your gaze on a spot opposite you.
  • Shift your body weight to your right leg.
  • Bend your left knee and draw it up towards your chest.
  • Open your knee to point to the left.
  • Gently place the sole of your left foot on your right inner thigh, near the root of the thigh aka slightly past the knee cap.
  • Keep your right leg straight, and find your balance.
  • You can stay with your arms on your hips for balance. If you feel ready, slowly bring your palms to meet and place your thumbs in the middle of your chest (see photo).
  • To exit, slowly turn your left knee to face the front as you release your left foot from the right thigh. As you breath in, lower your left foot onto the mat and return to standing tall.
  • Repeat on the other side.


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